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The Benefits of a Lighting Control Switch

A kitchen space with smart lighting control fixtures and a lighting control switch in the foreground on the wall.

Make Managing Your Home Lighting a Breeze

Smart lighting control as a whole can effortlessly enhance the ambiance, convenience, and energy efficiency of your living spaces, so imagine the wide range of benefits lighting control switches offer that go beyond simple on-and-off functionality! You can illuminate your whole Edmonton home with ease and for every occasion.

In this blog, we'll explore the advantages of incorporating a lighting control switch into your smart home setup and how this solution can benefit your daily living. Find out more by reading below!

Sonos Systems Liven Up Your Daily Lifestyle

A couple dancing together in a room with a Sonos system’s speaker on a table next to them.

Fill Your Home with Your Favorite Media

If you're looking to take your home audio experience to the next level, Sonos systems are key. These innovative wireless audio systems can transform your home entertainment at the tap of a button! You can enjoy your favorite media in a brand-new way across your living spaces.

In this blog, we'll explore the endless benefits of a Sonos system for your Sherwood Park home. Want to find out more? Keep reading below.

Give Your Entertainment a Boost with a Luxury Home Theater


You’ll Experience Your Favorite Media in a Brand-New Way!

Upgrade your home entertainment today with a dedicated theater room! A luxury home theater isn't just a room with a large TV; it's a carefully crafted space that brings the cinematic experience right into your Edmonton home. In this blog, we'll explore the top benefits of having a luxury home theater for your entertainment space for you and your family and friends to enjoy together.

Keep reading to learn more about bringing a luxury home theater to your living spaces today!

How Can Smart Blinds Benefit Your Daily Routines?

A Lutron lighting and shading panel on the wall with a plant on a table below it.

Explore the Top Features of this Innovative Solution

Create the ideal home environment across your Edmonton property with smart blinds in every room! These innovative shades can help you go about your daily routine and improve your living spaces with just the tap of a button.

So, what are the top benefits of these automated blinds? Keep reading below to learn how smart blinds can elevate the atmosphere throughout your whole home.

The Top Benefits of Smart Home Control for Your Daily Lifestyle

An open living space featuring smart home control solutions.

Enjoy Your Ideal Smart Home Experience with a Centralized System

Ready to experience a cohesive and centralized smart home control system that can guide your day-to-day routine across your Sherwood Park property? Imagine if, at just the tap of a button on your smart device, you could manage every smart solution throughout your home with ease—lighting, shades, music, TV, and more.

Sound too good to be true? It isn’t! You can bring this one-touch control to your everyday living today. Want to learn more about the benefits of a top-tier smart home system? Keep reading.

Transform Your Home with Powerful Multi-Room Audio

A luxury living room with hidden speakers from Future Automation.

Create the Perfect Soundscape in Every Corner of Your Home!

For a luxury homeowner, technology serves a greater purpose than mere convenience; it has the power to curate exceptional experiences that elevate our everyday lives. At the forefront of this technological evolution is multi-room audio—a transformative system that takes your favourite audio content throughout your home, making your spaces more inviting and enjoyable. 

In this blog, we will explore how to elevate the ambiance in your Edmonton home through the power of multi-room audio. Keep reading to learn more!

Why Bring a Low-Voltage System to Your Home?

A living space featuring a variety of smart home solutions.

Create the Ideal Setup with a Low-Voltage Contractor

Bringing high-end and upgraded smart home solutions to your entire Sherwood Park property doesn’t have to be a hassle! A low-voltage system can transform how you experience your smart home.

As the backbone of modern smart homes, low-voltage systems enable seamless integration and operation of a wide range of smart technologies and devices by providing a robust and powerful infrastructure for your setup, improving the overall cohesiveness and centralization of your home! You’ll have your smart technologies communicating with one another with zero hassle every time.

Want to learn more about the benefits of a low-voltage system and how working with a contractor like National Audio Video can help? Keep reading.

Bring Acoustic Paneling to Your Whole Home Today

A home theater space featuring acoustic paneling.

Reduce Echoing & Create Your Ideal Home Atmosphere

A desirable sound environment across your home is one that brings your media to life with crisp and crystal-clear audio every time you press play. You can achieve this type of soundscape by reducing echoing and noise. Acoustic paneling is key!

In this blog, we’ll dive into the various types of acoustic paneling solutions and how they can benefit your Edmonton home’s sound setup, whether in your home theater or all across your living spaces. Want to find out more? Keep reading.

How Can an Energy Automation System Benefit Your Daily Living?

An open living space featuring several smart home automation solutions.

Bring This Efficient Setup to Your Home Today

Are you looking to create a more energy-efficient environment across your Sherwood Park property? A home energy automation system offers several benefits that can improve energy efficiency, convenience, and overall comfort.

Want to learn more about how this energy management setup can improve the daily living experience throughout your home? Keep reading.

Why Choose LED Lighting for Your Home?

A kitchen living space illuminated by Lutron fixtures

Check Out the Benefits of this Smart Lighting Setup

When it comes to illuminating your home, LED lighting stands out as the clear choice for you and your family. With their remarkable energy efficiency, extended lifespan, and versatility, LED lights offer an array of benefits that make them a superior option over traditional lighting technologies.

Ready to discover why LED lighting is the optimal solution for your Sherwood Park home? Keep reading below for more.

How a Smart Home Network Benefits Your Property

A woman using her laptop with a consistent home network connection.

Bring Your Smart Home Setup Together

Keeping your smart home running smoothly is a crucial task to ensure that you can go about your day with zero interruptions or hassles. How can you streamline your whole smart home setup and maintain its top-tier performance?

At the heart of a high-performance smart home lies a robust network that connects and integrates your various devices, systems, and appliances. In this blog, we’ll explore the extensive benefits of a home network and how it can enhance your daily lifestyle across your Edmonton smart home.

5 Features Your Whole-Home Audio System Should Have

A Sonos in-all speaker in a whole-home audio system.

Get Discreet, Distributed, and High-Fidelity Sound Throughout Your Home

A whole-home audio system can transform your Sherwood Park home with high-fidelity sound that you can listen to anywhere. Enjoy your favorite music in the bedroom, kitchen, living room, or outdoors - the choice is yours! But for a truly luxurious audio experience, working with a professional audio/video team is best to ensure you get vital features that create unrivaled listening experiences. 

Check out five features your multi-room audio system should include in our blog article below!

Discover the Meaning of Lighting Design

An entertainment space with beautiful and unique lighting design.

Trust a Professional with Your Home's Lighting

Most homeowners would agree that lighting is a vital part of any home. It makes a space safe, and functional and even enhances its beauty. But home lighting is so much more involved than placing and plugging in a lamp. For an optimum experience, lighting needs to be carefully planned and executed. When done correctly, lighting improves your health and happiness, which is why many people trust professionals for home lighting. Discover the true meaning of lighting design and see how it could transform your Sherwood Park home. 

Creating an Immersive Home Theater Experience

A home movie theater with tiered chaise lounges, a Sony projector, and a large movie screen depicting snowy mountains.

Today’s Technology Offers the Ultimate Custom Home Theater Design

Today’s home entertainment brings us unmatched enjoyment. As audio-video experts serving Edmonton and the surrounding areas for over 80 years, we’ve watched the transformation in how we experience film, music, sporting events, and TV shows. From whole-home audio that brings high-fidelity sound to every room to 4K HDR and OLED TVs that provide incredible crystal-clear images, the latest AV is unsurpassed.

However, one form of entertainment reigns supreme—home cinemas. With the right home theater design, you enjoy the immersive cinematic experience once relegated to commercial movie theaters.

At National Audio Video, our experts use the latest technology to create an all-encompassing home theater experience that takes you to another world and leaves you spellbound for a few hours. Let’s see how it’s done.

Explore the Energy-Saving Benefits of Motorized Shades

Open floor plan living room with a couch, coffee table, and two large windows featuring lowered blinds.

Installing Automatic Window Treatments Can Create Energy Efficiency within Your Home 

Does your Edmonton home need a boost regarding energy savings? When it comes to home automation, most of our clients find that they create savings in their energy bills where they least expected it, such as by installing motorized shades

Many benefits come with automatic window treatments, from simple but stunning aesthetics to easy living and efficiency. Keep reading to learn more about how motorized shades will decrease your home's energy output! 

3 Ways Lighting Control Can Make You Feel Safer at Home

Photo of a beautifully lit home exterior at night with snow coverage.

Complete Control Over Your Lights Offers Unparalleled Peace of Mind

You can do many things to feel safer in your Sherwood Park home, including adding a security system, motorized blinds, and lighting control. If you've been searching for ways to boost your home security, home automation can help. 

National Audio Video has the solutions to utilize lighting as a component of your home’s safety systems. Keep reading to discover three ways that automating your lights will make you feel safer at home!

Whole-Home Audio Brings High-Performance Sound to Every Room

Sonance Invisible speakers in a living room with windows looking out over the pool.

Experience the Invisible Sound of Sonance Throughout Your Home

Imagine waking to the sound of waves breaking gently along a shoreline. When you head to the kitchen, the sound transforms to your “Good Morning!” playlist, energizing your every step. The music is crystal-clear and pure and seemingly coming from an invisible source. That’s the power of whole-home audio.

At National Audio Video, we partner with industry leaders in smart home and audio-video technology. In the world of architectural speakers, one of our favorite brands is Sonance. Through the use of invisible speakers, we provide pristine music and sound throughout your entire home that automatically adjusts based on scheduling or with one touch. 

Let’s explore how whole-home audio is transforming lifestyles in St. Albert.

Transform Your Home with LED Lighting Fixtures

A woman in a bedroom lit with blue-green, purple, and magenta LED lighting.

Change Your Lighting for Every Occasion with One Touch

There was a time when home lighting remained at one consistent hue, soft or bright white light. While the ability to dim lights has been around for many years, the colour of the lighting has always remained fairly constant. LED lighting fixtures changed that.

Now, we can experience lights in every colour on the visible light spectrum from a single source. That's about 17 million shades, from artic blue and indigo to soft amber and ruby red, as well as every colour in between. 

So, what does that mean for homeowners in Edmonton? They can now change the lighting to suit any and every occasion with one touch on an elegant keypad or remote. Let’s explore the possibilities in the blog below.

5 Reasons to Install Motorized Shades

Luxury home with Lutron motorized shades.

Lutron Shades Provide Convenience, Beauty, and Opportunities to Save Energy

Motorized shades are one of the most popular smart home technologies on the market. Why? Well, not only are motorized shades beautiful, but they also provide homeowners with more control over their homes, increase security, protect their belongings, and so much more. Motorized window treatments from companies like Lutron can truly improve your home in Sherwood Park, AB, and your daily routine. Check out these five reasons you should install motorized blinds in your home.

Projector Evolution


From CRT to Lamps to Laser

Video projectors have come a long way. They used to be large, heavy and not very bright, utilizing red, green and blue cathode ray tubes that needed to be aligned just right to achieve the best image. With chip production being more commonplace, manufacturers engineered a new solution. A chip based image processor (ie. LCD, DLP or LCOS chip) and utilized a lamp as the light source. This enabled the projectors to get smaller, brighter and less expensive. But the cost of lamps,  the visible loss of brightness as they age and shorter life span have been a major setback for lamps. LEDs have been used as an alternative, but they haven't been able to achieve the brightness level needed for video projection like we are seeing with laser. The other advantages of laser have been faster startup times, better contrast and black levels, and lifespans equivalent to LED (20,000 hours+). As more and more laser based projectors have started becoming available the price has been coming down even as the quality goes up. JVC was one of the first manufacturers to make available true 4k laser projectors (we now have the JVC DLA-RS2100 on display) and we are eagerly anticipating more models from other manufacturers such as the highly anticipated Epson LS-12000. Stay tuned!!


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